What we offer
Top-quality educational content to understand and provide practical solutions to the challenges presented by the accelerated urbanization of the African continent.
A catalog of online training courses delivered by experts in the fields of urban planning on topics from eco-construction to sustainable development.
Learn from the experts
Experts on urban and sustainable development in Africa
6 African Universities
Partners of the African Cities Lab's knowledge hub
A large community
An active community of more than 5000 professionals concerned with the living environment that African cities will offer to their populations in 2050
We cover all aspects of urban development, considering into account issues related to housing, employment, transportation, access to water, sanitation, electricity, and quality of life.

Water Research Commission
Introduction to New Sanitation Systems, Economies & Markets
UM6P - Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
African Urban Economic Development in the Context of Climate Change

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa
Making housing markets work in African cities: understanding the role and opportunity of finance
UM6P - Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
La gestion des données urbaines : clé du développement de villes africaines plus intelligentes
Focus Areas
8 topics that address cross-cutting and multidisciplinary issues of urban transformation in Africa in an environmentally safe way.
Climate change
Urban System